"You want images to "POP", to be "WOW!" and grab the viewer’s attention. 

That's what you get when you ask Richard Furhoff to create something. That’s because Richard loves making images, and he has been doing it now for a long time - for some pretty cool clients along the way too!

If you’ve seen his cars pages here on Production Paradise, you’ll know that Richard loves road trips and the cool stuff that can be done with CGI. But he’s equally comfortable in the studio, and he’s still keen to roll up his sleeves and take on some quality old school imaging. It’s something he’s been perfecting through more than 20 years of advertising photography, both in Australia and abroad.

In fact, Richard has the skills, experience and access to the resources to bring just about anything you can imagine to life. Do some homework, and you’ll soon find that it’s not just us who says so."