Mika Huisman/Decopic is a Popular Choice Winner in the Architizer A+ Awards 2015 Architecture +Photography & Video category.

Decopic specialises in producing media content for industrial, infrastructure and architecture companies, keeping the main focus in high quality photography. The aim is to produce content solutions that increase clients' visibility and thereby give them the edge among the increasingly intense competition.

Clients include Anttinen-Oiva Architects, JKMM Architects, Architects Lahdelma-Mahlamäki, K2S Architects, LSV Architects, J&C Architects, Architect Office Perko, AFKS Architects, HKP Architects, Arctia Shipping Ltd, Finnish Transport Safety Agency Trafi, Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE, YIT Corporation, Palmia, Marioff Corporation Oy, Ramboll Finland Oy, SRV Construction Ltd, BOLON, Modeo, Profin Ltd, Swiss Pearl and Prointerior Magazine.

Mika's photographs have been published in a variety of publications such as A10, A+U, AIT, ARK, Betonprisma, Casabella, Detail, ICON, MARK, Prointerior magazine, The Architectural Review, Uncube Magazine and Nordic Architects: Ebbs and Flows.