"Don´t think that Cuba is empty now that Barack Obama and the Rolling Stones are back home. One of the most frequent questions Take me to Cuba hears these days is: what has changed for productions since the USA and Cuba became friends again? Our answer is: not much, except for an excellent booking situation for Cuban hotels and restaurants.

While it's worth thinking ahead while planning your photo and video shoots in Cuba, nothing much has changed in Havana - it is still one of the most interesting places to be, having the biggest colonial heritage in the Americas as well as beaches belonging to the 'best in the world' category.

Take me to Cuba is one of the longest standing Cuban production service companies, founded in 1999. The crew is still vibing off their most recent production in Havana with Bloomingdale's. Legendary in their own right, this production was a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity for Chris Bengsch and his mixed international and Cuban team to put their heads together and source a variety of stunning locations for renowned fashion photographer, Alistair Taylor Young."