George Productions' founder Kim Handley, originally from England, arrived in NYC in 1978. Having grown up outside the US, she puts her European sensibility to good use with out of town clients, going the extra mile to make sure they are comfortable, acclimatised and ready to shoot.

That said, she is very much a New Yorker, working fast and furious to get the job realised. Her aim is to have a happy client and crew at the end of each campaign. "One week I can be producing in a house in the Hollywood hills with supermodel Heidi Klum, the next week producing a catalogue out of the back of a van parked in Times Sq. eating hot dogs for lunch in 80-degree heat. The diversity of these challenges is why I love what I do. You have to have a sense of humour about things, it makes for a happier shoot."

Kim recently produced a short film 'The Apathy of Habit' for The Dirty Durty Diaries, along with a swimwear campaign for long-standing client Zeki Triko. She completed ads featuring Elizabeth Hurley for her upcoming new bed linen line, as well as casting and production for three Pepsi.Co ads for the international market and Virgin Airlines Australia ads, due to launch in spring.