In the advertising and commercial photography industry since 1996, producer Melanie Trombley also casts talent and occasionally works on TV spots and videos for clients. Her worldwide network allows her team to find the most unusual requests - on time and under budget.

With ample experience shooting across the USA as well as internationally, hiring crews and finalising details for any size shoot comes easily for Melanie and her team.

Recent work includes:

  • Producing a shoot for Jamie Kripke for Threadless Tees and The Gap for AKQA San Francisco.
  • Casting and producing for a CHASE SLATE print campaign with Brian Bailey and BaM Indianapolis.
  • Art producing and buying for HYConnect for the Museum of Science’s “MythBusters” world premiere exhibit campaign, which included both print and broadcast ads. Print ads shot by Chris Clor on location in Florida; Broadcast shot by Leviathan in Chicago.
  • Art producing for HYConnect for Blue Cross Blue Shield’s latest print campaign, shot by Christian Kozowyk in California.

Visit the website for more information.