Alexander Rudolph - DOMUSimages
Alexander Rudolph - DOMUSimages
Alexander Rudolph is a photographer from the far north-east of Germany. The sparsely populated region, wide landscapes and the proximity to lakes and the Baltic Sea inspire him in his work and give him creative retreat while he works for customers from industry and construction across Germany. He regularly travels to different continents for his assignments for hotels and cruise lines.
As a photographer and author, he is responsible for several architectural books.
Before turning his passion into a career, Alexander worked in sales and marketing positions at BMW, Mercedes Benz and BANG & OLUFSEN and therefore has a keen sense of the needs of the addressees of his pictures for authentic shots that capture the atmosphere of his setups, convey emotions and arouse curiosity about how the individual recording came about.
As a photographer and part of a marketing agency, Alexander works on image concepts for clients such as AIDA CRUISES, ecovis and BONAVA Deutschland.