Take a look at the latest works of Stefan Sappert or contact them in Vienna directly. Find on Production Paradise the best creative professionals and production services for portrait photographers.
  • Showcase Magazine



    May 24

    Stefan Sappert

    Portrait photographers

    Stefan Sappert is based in the heart of Europe, in beautiful Austria; available all over Europe, US and Asia.

    Stefan has been a portrait, entertainment and celebrity photographer for over a decade. He works with prestigious brands, shoots ads, campaigns, and editorials: his works appear in major publications and exhibitions around the globe.

    Recognised twice among the 200 BEST Photographers globally by Lürzer's Archive, Stefan is also a Hasselblad Certified Creative and a recipient of multiple photography awards. As a master in vintage photography, he is sought after for his expertise in shooting handmade large format silver and glass wet-plate photos commercially.

    Clients appreciate his creative inputs, the discreet approach to celebrity shoots, his reliability and the ability to work efficiently fast with a high quality output. He is collaborative, passion driven, an out-of-the-box thinker, a teamplayer and a fun guy to work with.

    Getting the perfect shot doesn't stop behind the camera: Stefan is a passionate golfer and always up for hitting the links.