Johan Visschedijk

Amsterdam - photographers

"My wife Lina is from Moscow and therefore I am interested in the Russian culture. Last year I started working on a book in which I show the life at the 'dacha'. These so called dachas are houses visited by Russians mostly during the weekends in summer. People just want to get away from Moscow and relax a bit. 

Most of these people work a lot too at the dacha. They grow their own vegetables in their gardens and green houses. A lot of these veggies will be put into jars to save them for winter time. Besides this, the Russians love to grill meat and drink some vodka. Especially now, during the COVID-19 situation, all Russians stay at their dacha, at least if they have one. Of course not everyone is working at the dacha. Many people just go there to relax and have fun, and get away from their daily hectic lives in Moscow,

Due to the current situation, I won't be able to finish the job this year, but I will be back there later this year, I hope. 

On my website you can find a blog where I write about my dacha adventures. I ensure you that it will be fun reading it, so follow me. 

By the way, in 2021 I will run from Amsterdam to Moscow to promote this book, how cool is that!"