Welcome to Showcase New York, brought to you by Production Paradise. This issue features some of the leading photographers, photo and film production and service companies, photo agents and rental studios, currently working out of New York.

You can find more creative professionals and facilities for photographic and film production in our New York Photo and Film directories.

Companies including Ralph Lauren, Amazon, Nike, GQ, Garnier, Marie Claire, Pandora, Adidas, Numéro Magazine, Hanes, RNWY Magazine, and Volant Magazine, among others, have trusted these professionals with their latest advertising campaigns and editorial shoots.

Be sure not to miss our recommended events:

  • PDN PhotoPlus International Conference + Expo - 25th to 28th October at Javits Convention Center. 
  • 36 Bars - installation featuring discarded and later recovered photographs from movie sets. Images shot during 1928-1933 served to provide records of the set for the continuity during production. Until 17th of December  at Museum of the Moving Image. 
  • Items: Is Fashion Modern? - exhibition exploring the 101 most iconic items of clothing and accessories. Until 28th January 2018 at MoMA. 

Our cover image was shot by Thomas Hart Shelby